Development Worldwide, r.a.

Foundation member of the NGDO platform FoRS »

Nairobi 2016

2nd High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation took place in Nairobi on 28th November - 1st December 2016.

Nairobi Outcome Document - Brief Summary (document Word, 54 kB)
The Road to the Nairobi High Level Meeting (document PDF, 455 kB)
Nairobi Outcome Document (dokument PDF, 554 kB)

CPDE Global Synthesis Report 2016

State of Development Cooperation: Checking the Core of Effectiveness.

Global Synthesis Report 2016 (document PDF, 1564 kB)

CSO Exchange on CSO Development Effectiveness

Report from CPDE workshop "CSO Exchange on CSO Development Effectiveness" which took place in Nairobi 13th - 14th December 2015.

Report (document PPT, 912 kB)

Task Team Newsletter

We recommend reading the attached newsletter.

Newsletter February 2015 (document PDF, 1962 kB)

CSO Contribution to the Global Process of Development Effectiveness: A Czech Context (2014)

Doporučujeme k přečtení níže přiložený dokument "CSO contribution to the Global Process of Development Effectiveness: A Czech Context" připravený pro CPDE Synthesis Report.

Development Effectiveness: A Czech Context (dokument Word, 62 kB)

Mexico High Level Meeting Communiqué

First High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation: Building Towards an Inclusive Post-2015 Development Agenda Mexico High Level Meeting Communiqué, 16 April 2014.

Communiqué (dokument PDF, 353 kB)

Development Effectiveness & the Role of Civil Society Organisations

Development Effectiveness & the Role of Civil Society Organisations (December 2013).

Policy Digest (dokument PDF, 1273 kB)

IDEAS' Global Assembly in Barbados

Join us at the major international evaluation event of 2013! See you in Bridgetown (Barbados) in May 2013! Pre-conference Workshops on 6th May will be followed by the Global Assembly 7th - 9th May. You will participate in inspiring presentations and discussions focusing on the provocative central theme. It is a wonderful opportunity for you to strengthen old relationships and form new ones, as well as discover the beauty of this Caribbean island, its rich historical heritage and contemporary development challenges, and the warm hospitality of its people.

Invitation (dokument PDF, 1772 kB)

CSO Development Effectiveness

The donor community is commited to increasing aid and to working with partners to make aid more effective. Donors are held accountable for the way they manage aid and the development results they achieve.

This book surveys the practices of the 23 members of the OECD DAC. In doing so, it seeks to offer inspiration to aid managers and practitioners - new and experienced - who are interested in continuously improving the way donors and partners work together. The shared goal is to help partner countries to reduce poverty and give their population a better chance in life.

Managing Aid - Practices of DAC Member Countries (document PDF, 4076 kB)

Reflections to the 4th HLF on Aid Effectiveness in Busan

First Impressions (document Word, 16 kB)

Video Message from Nobel Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi (OECD Headquarters, Paris)

South Korea endorses the Istanbul Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness

Article in English (document PDF, 195 kB)
Article in French (document PDF, 201 kB)
Article in Spanish (document PDF, 198 kB)


Links (Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness) (Better Aid) (EC website)


Selected presentations from the IDEAS Global Assembly, 17.-20.3.2009, Johannesburg

Florence E. Etta (document Word, 95 kB)
Daniel Svoboda & Franz Josef Berger (document PDF, 250 kB)
Niels Dabelstein (document PDF, 340 kB)
Tracey Konstant & Karel Stanz (document PDF, 136 kB)
Niels Dabelstein (document PDF, 67 kB)
Daniel Svoboda & Franz Josef Berger (document Word, 120 kB)
Tracey Konstant & Karel Stanz (document Word, 1358 kB)

Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness as a response to Paris Declaration

Presentation (document Word, 130 kB)
Presentation (document PPT, 662 kB)

Final reports

Volume 1 (document PDF, 613 kB)
Volume 2 (document PDF, 3884 kB)
Volume 3 (document PDF, 6962 kB)

Evaluation of the EC aid channelled through civil society organisations (excerpt)

"While the participatory development agenda adopted by the EC in 2000 is gradually changing the operation of the CSO channel, the EC has not yet de veloped a clear and consistent strategy on how to use the CSO channel in line with its stated policy objectives. Moreover, the prevailing culture within the EC is not conductive to such strategic management of the CSO channel because of disincentives such as: limited political backing; the administrative priority towards disbursing funding, the financial control of aid and short term results; the lack of space to establish strategic partnerships with CSO; and institutional fragmentation at both the headquar ter and delegation level. The CSO channel has had positive effects at project level but questions remain about the sustainable impact of these activities. The added value of the CSO channel is not sufficiently used by the EC, while good practices are not underpinned by a coherent and consistently applied strategy throughout all EC external services."