Development Worldwide, r.a.

Foundation member of the NGDO platform FoRS »


This year's EPDET program has been merged into IPDET 2.0 in Bern

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EPDET 2017 took place in Bratislava, Slovak Republic on 17th - 22th September 2017

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Our mission

  • Development education
    and raising public
    awareness through:

    » seminars
    » workshops
    » conferences
    » publications

  • Human resources

    » da training
    » education
       of experts
    » education
       of students

  • Consultancy and
    advisory services for:

    » government
    » ngdos
    » partner countries

  • Implementation of
    OECD/DAC standards:

    » project cycle
    » project document
    » logical framework

  • Assistance by
    building the Czech

    » enhancing capacities
       and co-operation
       with the mfa

  • Preparation, implementation
    and monitoring of
    pilot DA projects:

    » according to the
       requirements of
       oda constituency

  • Facilitating contacts
    with developing and
    donor countries:

    » appropriate
       response to the
       needs and

Target groups

  • Experts and students working in the field of international development co-operation
  • Institutional representatives of the Czech ODA (including Parliament)
  • Non-Governmental Development Organisations (NGDOs) and public
  • Partners in developing and donor countries